- RT @aitchpdee: Thanks to @KTapley1 and @leedsteaching team for hosting an excellent #SEC2019. Inspirational and thought-provoking keynotes… 2019-01-15
- We need to think about our learning spaces within floors, buildings and the entire campus master plan. The context… https://t.co/sVzkXe8pOV 2019-01-15
- Collaborative lecture halls are one of the best ways to get active learning anywhere. A great hybrid space that can… https://t.co/HE45gjxImu 2019-01-18
- This article struck a chord with me. We have to connect with our students as humans (same goes for faculty developm… https://t.co/iepTvZkdBj 2019-01-19
- Collaborative Lecture Halls are great opportunity to support active learning anywhere! #learningspaces https://t.co/NFQfJgJePv 2019-01-20