Twitter Updates for 2010-01-20

Ok, so this is the fastest way to tie your shoelace…. # I don't know if I should cry laugh with this one… Rick Mercer rocks… RMR: A Message From Transport Canada # RT @TheOnion: 'How Bad For The Environment Can Throwing Away One Plastic Bottle Be?' 30 Million People Wonder #

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-18

Oh, why am I not surprised… Is there anything they don't suck at?? RT @mashable: The FBI Sucks at Photoshop [PIC] – #

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-14

Yes, the world is coming to an end… @mashable: Starbucks Most Popular U.S. Chain According to Mobile Check-In Data – # Until they get more $$$ — RT @mashable: HUGE: Google Considers Pulling Out of China in the Name of Free Speech – #

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-07

And why are we not including Blackberries on the lists? RT @mashable: Nexus One vs Droid vs iPhone [Comparison Chart] – # DB error or clever hack?? Very interesting… RT @mashable: Why Does This YouTube Video Have 79 Billion Views? – #

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-06

Yeah, except now it is an XXX rated game… RT @mashable: Electronic Arts: Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online Still a Go – #